It is well known that an excess of weight is linked to many prevalent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes type II, cancer and over-all mortality. According to this two important studies (1) (2) vegans have the lowest BMI (Body Mass Index) in comparison to meat-eaters and even vegetarians. So let´s have a look at the reason why this type of diet would be ideal for those on a sliming mission and we’ll finish up giving some tips on how to make this an effort-less journey.


There are so many factors involved, and many more we don´t know of yet, but let’s focus on these 7 points for now:

  • Firstly plants are mostly water and fiber and guess how many calories these two have… You guessed right: ZERO! That’s why by incorporating a big range of unprocessed whole plant-foods you’ll feel full quickly, get a ton of nourishment and not too much extra unnecessary energy that will get stored as adipose tissue (or fat). If anything I found it was the other way around and I had to make sure I was getting ENOUGH calories and increase my food portions on a plant-based diet. (if ever in doubt check cronometer to track your food only until you feel more confident in your food choices). So a whole-foods plant-based way of eating will mean a reduction in energy density of the food and will help to prevents you from overeating (3)


  • Because veganism is considered a life-style rather that a diet it’s easier to stick to it due to principles it involves (you choose yours: animal welfare, environmental issues, log-term health, world peace, etc). Whereas a diet seems like it won’t last, it’ll just be for a short period and you’ll go back to your old habits.


  • Epigenetics: if you’ve never heard this word before look it up asap as it’s a revolutionary discovery. Epigenetic is the science that defies the concept that we are doomed by our genes. In other words in explains how our genes can be switched on an off depending on our environment (including diet). Certain nutrients have the ability to for example switch off the genes that predispose you to gain weight easily, which brings me to a plant-based lifestyle where most of this amazing phytonutrients contained within plants have the power to change the expression of our genes! (4)


  • Overeating can also be a sign that your body is malnourished and creating this ‘false hungers’ which are trying to tell you to feed your body essential nutrients. If you are eating a ton of, for example, pastries, your body will not be satisfied as it didn’t get those needed nutrients and will ask you to eat again straight away. As a balanced wholefood plant-eater though you’ll get a ton of nutrition and avoid this ‘false hungers’.


  • Gut-brain connection: Since we have more bacteria than cells in our body it’s not crazy to think that these bacteria may play a role in our choices. Take candida for example, this type of yeast naturally resides in our gut; the problem arises when there’s an overgrowth of it. Candida thrives on sugars so many people suffering from Candida overgrowth usually crave sugar. Could it be that that Candida is sending signals to your brain telling you to eat sugars in order to feed themselves?? The possibility is high, so next time you can’t resist having that donut you could easily blame it in your gut flora (or an imbalance of it!). How this relates to those following a whole-foods plant-based lifestyle is that they tend to have a healthier and more diverse microflora (5). This is due to the high fiber content which act as prebiotics feeding your friendly bacteria and the lack of eating foods that tend to damage that delicate balance such as animal products or refined foods. According to this study (6) “Prebiotics, such as oligofructose, improve gut-barrier function, induce weight-loss and reduce food intake, by improving gut nutrient-sensing mechanisms that initiate these effects. It has been suggested that these effects are driven by alterations in the gut microbiota composition”.


  • “Obesity is considered to be an inflammatory state, as it is characterized by the presence of chronic low-grade inflammation. It has been recently discovered that the westernised-diet, which is high in calories and can lead to obesity and various other obesity-related diseases” (6). And as we know the best natural anti-inflammatory agents that exist are contained within…plants (and mushrooms)!


  • Toxins: Many toxins are what is called ‘endocrine disruptors’. They alter our hormones and in this case cause the production of fat-cells and hence weight gain. Surprisingly most of the damaging toxins studied didn´t come from the environment but from our food, and more specifically from meat, as these toxins get stored in the animal’s tissues (7). So by stopping the consumption of meat you’ll lower your toxic load and save your lipid (and overall) metabolism from going haywire.


Knowing all the benefits of a whole-plant lifestyle lets follow up by looking one by one at the areas to check to make the process safe and easy to achieve (steps inspired by Goji man’s video (8)):


Starting from our mouths it is important that we chew our food thoroughly and mindfully in order to kick start the digestive process smoothly. Secondly it is necessary that we have enough stomach acid as it essential for killing pathogen bacteria, starting protein digestion, absorbing certain nutrients, etc. If you usually feel bloated, have flatulence right after eating and feel heavy after meals it can be an indication of not having enough stomach acid. A good tip will be to have a tablespoon of diluted apple cider vinegar or Betain HCl supplements before each meal. Thirdly we need to have enough digestive enzymes to break down and be able to absorb nutrients. Eat 30% of your food raw to get some precious enzymes and if you feel your digestions aren’t great (as it might take your body a while to adapt to eating more fiber) you can always take some digestive enzyme supplements before meals to help this process.

Last but not least and as previously mentioned our bacteria can manipulate us into making the wrong food choices. To make sure you are putting a stop to them by making sure you are helping your good ones thrive include probiotic rich or fermented foods every day such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, apple cider vinegar (with the mother), vegan raw yogurts, etc. If you tend to bloat and are new to the diet it is important that you introduce these foods slowly and that you increase them progressively to avoid potential uncomfortable effects in your digestion. For extra support you could ask your local health food shop for the best probiotic to take. Do it for the first 1-3months while you transition to a healthier lifestyle.



Our power houses within our cells are called by mitochondria, they convert food into energy and are essential to ensure that every process in the body works correctly. They need CoQ10, L-carnitine, Magnesium, Omega 3 and B vitamins to function so make sure to eat plenty of nuts, seeds, asparagus, beetroots, garlic, brussel sprouts, black beans and algae.


  • Insulin: If consistently high you won’t be able to lose weight as it is an anabolic hormone whose role is to store fat. “Your body can only burn fat when insulin is low” (8). Eliminate refined sugars and refined fats from your diet and opt for natural sugars from fruits and essential fats from whole foods such as nuts, seeds, avocados, olives and seaweed. To avoid having constantly high levels of blood insulin it is also advised to have fasting periods and not snack every hour. If you struggle with sugar cravings a cinnamon and chromium supplement can help to balance blood sugars and cravings. Alternatively instead of grabbing that cupcake drink some herbal or cinnamon tea or have some diluted apple cider vinegar to help with appetite suppression.


  • Thyroid: If you have issues with this glad and are under producing thyroid hormones it would be extra difficult to be able to lose weight. If you suffer from some of this symptoms: fatigue, weakness, weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight, coarse dry hair, dry rough pale skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches, constipation, depression, irritability, memory loss, abnormal menstrual cycles or/and decreased libido, you might be suffering from hypothyroidism so make sure you have it tested and in order to support these hormones make sure to get plenty of iodine, zinc, selenium, B-vitamins, tyrosine and vitamin D in your diet. Rest assured as it’s been studied that vegans have a lower prevalence of hypothyroidism (9), but make sure you are getting your B12 and possibly vitamin D (if you leave in a cold climate) supplementation, include seaweed in your diet and top up your zinc and selenium consumption. Check this LINK for more info in sources for these nutrients.


  • Cortisol: Aka the stress hormone. If found higher than normal it can have an impact on digestion, metabolism and insulin (3 factors that if out of whack can cause weight problems as just seen). This hormone also makes us accumulate fat directly, especially around the belly area. Meditate, go for walks, do some yoga, have some deep breaths throughout the day, take a bath with essential oils such as lavender, listen to your favorite music, play games, laugh, etc…. Detoxing your emotional life can have a huge impact in your stress levels. Have a think of the people surrounding you, who help to relax you and be comfortable and who makes your stress and worrying worse? Equally important make sure you are having a good night sleep and be mindful when you are eating for emotional reasons. Speak with a friend or if needed find a therapist that can help you release emotional blockages which will be amazing for overall long term health: try an acupuncturist, psychologist, kinesiologist, hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner, etc.


  • Adiponectin and leptin: These hormones were only relatively recently discovered (1994) and they play a pivotal role in satiety and fat storage. Adipose (fat) tissue is considered an endocrine system because it is able to produce different chemicals and hormones, leptin being one of them. How it works is the body produces leptin when the fat storages increases, it crosses the blood-brain barrier and tells our appetite control center to tell us to stop eating as we have enough fat to keep us going. Leptin resistance is created by a sedentary lifestyle and highly processed diet (refined grains, added sugar and fats, artificial flavors and sweeteners, etc). So here’s another reason to avoid them. One way to improve leptin sensitivity can be to try out intermittent fasting, that is to fast (or avoid eating) for at least 14/16 hours a day, this does not mean to eat less calories, but to eat the same calories in a shorter amount of time. It could be something that may help some people and not others, but definitely an option to try.
  • Detox hormones: It is of utmost importance that the liver is working properly in order to be able to detox hormones. Broccoli, bean sprouts, cabbage and beetroots help with stage II of liver detoxification. Stage I detox is helped by onions, garlic, spinach, seeds, nuts and vitamin C, E, selenium and carotenes. Toxins are stored in fat for later detox so by helping detox our liver with healthy eating we will aid weight loss process (10).


Avoid alcohol, smoking, toxins in food (pesticides and animal products) and skin care. Trans fats from processed foods increase inflammation and lower essential fatty acids GLA and DHA. Caffeine also disrupts sugar balance, sleep and increase inflammation and long term tiredness. Lower the consumption slowly or substitute completely for green tea such as matcha, also containing caffeine but with L-theanine to balance it out (more info on this tea coming up soon!). We can´t change the environmental pollution around us so give your body and planet extra support by choosing a plant-based lifestyle.


One of the best ways to build lean muscle mass, improve your metabolism and increase leptin and insulin sensitivity. As your physical activity level goes up, so does your metabolic rate and ability to regulate leptin. Even in people who seem to have a genetic predisposition to weight gain, exercise can still be highly protective. Moving also helps with lymphatic detox which carries fats and cellular waste. A massage can also be a good idea for this purpose.

In any exercise program it is important to include some weight training. It may seem like you are not burning as many calories as in a cardio session, however muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means that you will be burning more calories throughout the day to support your muscle even if you are not exercising. Hence the importance of working with a certified personal trainer to create the most suitable program personalized to your needs, one that includes cardio, weight lifting and stretching and repairing. Once you learn what works best for you and how put into practice every exercise correctly you can continue working out on your own.



Do not obsess with counting calories, eat ad libitum as long as you are eating whole plant based foods, plan your week in advance and cook from scratch (meal prep can be super helpful, or always having a healthy frozen option ready to go for lazy days), keep hydrated, keep meals scheduled at the same time every day and keep snacks to a minimum (twice a day mid-morning and mid-afternoon or just mid-afternoon ideally), try not to eat 3 hours before bed. If hungry when you shouldn’t drink water or a herbal tea, give it a few minutes and see you hunger disappearing, if still feel like you need to eat have a diluted tablespoon of ACV as it is a natural appetite suppressant. Or alternatively go for 20 jumping jacks or 10 burpees, this will distract you from your hunger and help to keep you fit as a desired side effect 😉 Treat yourself after your hard work…but not with bad food! Go for a relaxing massage, make some home-made raw chocolates, go out for a juice, get a day off, go for a road trip, etc!


To finish up ask yourself what your excuses are. Make an honest list of them all and then think of ways you can overcome them. You may think to yourself that you are feeling good now but will you feel the same in 10 years time? Or will want to feel even better than you do now? I believe it is important to make that first extra investment in your health now if needed to have a healthy long future full of energy ahead of you and save money long term in doctor visits. Ask for support: personal trainers, plant-based nutritionist, cooking classes, health and mind coach, etc. And always ask yourself how much is your health worth?

Know that your body will adapt to new flavors, textures and will naturally stop craving all the sugar and fat loaded foods. Contact me know for a consultation to help get you started  🙂

Love, peace & encouragement!

 STAY tunned, STAY plant-based and STAY healthy! ;)  

Ana Calvo
#writingcommunity #govegan #plant-based


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12833118
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4073139/
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrsBpPHbHlg
  4. https://academic.oup.com/mutage/article/29/5/385/1039079
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4XEXr2Yd5Y
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6052131/
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieQBdS9cN0I
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uxPTNBOa0I
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3847753/
  10. Patrick Holford. Liver Detox.


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