Why a Whole-Foods Plantbased diet is the healthiest and why as a nutritionist is the only diet I recommend
Continuing my last post let's talk about the benefits of a whole-foods plantbased diet in term of health and nutrition.

1) Scientifically proven to prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease and Diabetes type II, the two mayor non-infectious prevalent diseases in the world today. Isn't this good enough reason? Ok, let's move on!

2) Weight loss: vegans have the lowest BMI compared to vegetarians and omnivores. I will talk more about this in a future post but to sum it up the risks that being overweight carry are very well known, so why not swap to a lifestyle that naturally promotes weightloss?
3) Inflammation and immune system:
- All aminal protein is inflammatory while whole plants are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation plays a pivotal role in the immune system pathogen attack but when it becomes chronic it can lead to a slowed down system (lowered potential to fight infections and higer chance to miss the destruction of forming tumoral cells) or to a overreactive system (potential to suffer from autoimmune diseases, hayfever, ezcema, etc.)
- Fiber feeds your gut bacteria and cells and since most of the immune system is in the gut the more types of fiber you consume the better. Every time you eat an animal product is a missed opportinuty to eat prefious gut repairing fiber as there is NO fiber in any animal product. Meat is also difficul to digest creating: a strain on your digestion and the potential of tissue putrefactions releasing toxins into your gut. On top of everything animals carry a lot of parasites! FUN FACT: I haven't had any food poisioning since I went vegan, isn't that amazing! I used to suffer from it at least twice a year if not more... interesting coincidence? I don't think so!
-There is no vitamin C in animal tissues, and the little there is is destroyed while cooking. We know by now the importance of vitamin C for a healthy immune system.

4) Food vibration. This is why all of the above are explained in a nice simple way: In plants you get live enzymes, vitamins, minerals, anioxidants, phyto-nutrients, healthy fats, fiber, it's alive!! When you consumme animals or animal products you get a dead rotting tissue full of sex hormones, antibiotics, stress hormones, cholesterol, saturated fats, no fiber, no antioxidants, toxins, plastics, and a long etc.

Here is a great infographic I made that summarises clearly my trilogy of posts:

So, after you have been informed of all this: what will you choose for dinner tonight? ;)
For any RESOURCES please message me and I will be happy to send you the studies. Aslo contact me if you are ready to transition but need a bit of extra help.
STAY tunned, STAY plant-based and STAY healthy! ;)
Ana Calvo
#writingcommunity #govegan #plant-based
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