Who am I? My story...

Who am I?

Hello every one! My name is Ana Calvo, I am a Nutrition and Dietetics Master's graduate especialised in clinic nutrition who follows and promosed a plant-based diet, more commonly known as a vegan diet. 

This is the simplified, boring version of me, for the full version I invite you to check:

My story!

I was born in a small city in the North of Spain and was forced to chose a university as soon as a I finished my high school. I chose to study nutrition and dietetics because it was close to my house and I love food. At the time though I wasn't really passionate about it, my true dream was to become a rock star and travel the world!!! So after having fun with my rock band for a few years I decided to start traveling. 

Firstly I spent a year in Ireland looking after kids, learning English and having the craic (as the Irish say). I though "what a great way to see the world, let me keep discovering!" So I decided to spend another year exploring and went to London. Little did I know what this gorgeous city had to offer! I soon realised 1 year was no where near enough so I decided to stay longer and luckily found the job that re-ingnited my interest in nutrition and helped me discover the world of holistic health and natural healing...what was it you may wonder?...drum roll... I got a job in a cute health shop! I met so many different people and learnt so much about supplements, natural skincare, organic food, etc.  

This was only the beginning of my business journey! I spent another amazing 2 years exploring this new world while making a lot on internation friends and enjoying all the fun and events London has to offer. However this kind of lifestyle took a toll on me and stress started to kick in so I decided now or never, while I have the energy, let's go to the other side of the world (literally)! So I ended up travelling around Asutralia for a few months!!

The highlight of this trip, besides the gorgeous beaches and cute fauna, was the week I spent volunteering in a Buddhist temple. Having so much time to reflect, meditate and conect with myself I reached the concusion that I needed to go back to Ireland and focus on setting-up my own holistic nutrition business!

After a stopover in New Zealand and Fiji (I could not miss this chance and it was the best decicion ever!) I found myself back in Ireland! I settled quickly and found another health shop to remind me the joy that is it helping people with their health. In order to remember everthing I forgot from my university I decided to complete a 2 year Master's in International Nutrition in Dietetics online. And for anyone curious my thesis was on matcha green tea hence why I recommend it to every single one of my clients and customers!  Studying nutrition this time felt completely different, I was super motivated and interested in learning more and I finally felt this is it, this is what I trully want to do! 

However something still felt off. After 2 years of reasearch for my Master's all I found was contradictory information on nutrition and I was always conflicted as to what to recommend. What is really the best diet out there?? I was very lost and conflicted, all of what brought me to discover my true goal regarding my business, purpose and lifestyle. YES, you probably guessed right! I discovered the wonders of a Whole Foods Plant-Based diet.

How I stumbled upon it deserves a whole post on its own, so keep an eye out for the next blog post on how I went from a typical Spanish eating-meat-twice-a-day type of diet to a fully-vegan diet and lifestyle 

STAY tunned, STAY plant-based and STAY healthy! ;)  

Ana Calvo


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