Why a Whole-Foods Plantbased diet is the healthiest and why as a nutritionist is the only diet I recommend

Continuing my last post let's talk about the benefits of a whole-foods plantbased diet in term of health and nutrition. 1) Scientifically proven to prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease and Diabetes type II , th e two mayor non-infectious prevalent diseases in the world today. Isn't this good enough reason? Ok, let's move on! 2) Weight loss : vegans have the lowest BMI compared to vegetarians and omnivores. I will talk more about this in a future post but to sum it up the risks that being overweight carry are very well known, so why not swap to a lifestyle that naturally promotes weightloss? 3) Inflammation and immune system : - All aminal protein is inflammatory while whole plants are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation plays a pivotal role in the immune system pathogen attack but when it becomes chronic it can lead to a slowed down system (lowered potential to fight infections and higer chance to miss the destruction of forming tumoral cells ) or to a overr...