
Showing posts from June, 2021

What are the best SUPERFOODS? + Recipes

The definition of superfoods simply means food that is super high in nutrition. According to this definition most foods and vegetables should be considered superfoods. Here I give you a list of the ones I consider to be the  top 11 foods  to include on your daily/weekly menus with tips on how to use: MATCHA Yes, of course it has to be at the top! Those who know me know that I did my end of Master's final project on matcha and the results were amazing. Some of the benefits reported by people who participated on my low cost study after drinking 1 cup of matcha every day for a month were: lighter, more energised, with better focus and better mood,  motivated to exercise, lower stress levels and higher perceived relaxation, lower cravings and even better sleep.  It is very well documented that green tea has many health benefits and considering a cup of matcha can be up to 137 higher in antioxidants than a normal infusion of green tea (1) it's no wonder matcha powde...


If you’ve read my previous  blog posts  you already know I adore summer! And another reason for this is my love for summer fruits! They are colorful, super healthy and delicious so let’s have a look at some of them and their benefits and finish with some tips and recipes on how to never let them go to waste. STRAWBERRIES (and other berries) These gorgeous berries are packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and K, folate, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. They are low-calorie, fiber-rich fruits and aboundant in the polyphenols ellagic acid, anthocyanin, catechin, quercetin and kaempferol. To read more about the benefits of these phytochemicals make sure to check  HERE . Another interesting use of berries is on weight loss; strawberries increase the production of two chemicals in the body called Leptin and Adiponectin which have a fat-burning and appetite lowering effect. This combined with their low calories and high fiber makes them an staple food for slim...